April 5, 2010

NAPoWriMo Day #5

You came again last night
Snuck in while I was juggling dreams
pulled me to my feet and stripped me down
beyond the bare essentials, fucked me
in my living room like the banshee you are
I wonder how my neighbors felt about it
You really worked me over this time, the 
yearning resonating through my heavy tongue
my safe words ricocheting off the cavity 
of my brain, the agony of defeat preferred 
over the blue welts of memory you 
coaxed to the surface with every, little, word
you assume too much. I swear that
I am no longer yours.
And I wonder how you feel about it
these bitter pieces of me, all wound and weak 
and beautiful, have unravelled, have sought 
sanctity in the hands of the less than divine
and what can I say, you were not there to frame me
However, I know how I feel about it.
You are back now. Walked in like you owned 
my space, smelling of someone else's success 
yet you demanded an obedience that historically 
I was quick to give. Today, I have one condition: 

Next time, you will bring the whip.

*** This poem is what happened when I gave poetry a name. Read the prompt here.


  1. a feeling of euphoria and exhaustion... wanting all the more... like the idea of a next time tho placing conditions is mind blowing... happy day 5!! file and forget

  2. Hi, L.Monique. Just found your blog, and I'll be back (if I ever find the whip!) I invite you to check out my poem at www.gregoconnell.com (Find NaPoWriMo 2010 in the top menu bar) - Greg =)

  3. very nice...nice read and thanks for sharing your words

  4. You have a very healthy relationship with your poetry by the sound of things, great stuff, thanks.

  5. Poetry is a lover, isn't it? Well done!

  6. I love this! I especially love the last stanza.

  7. Thank you everyone for your comments!

    Poetry IS a lover, Linda. Sometimes a good one, sometimes not so much. :)
